Corruption’s acceptance concerns business leaders

SANTO DOMINGO. – National Young Business Leaders Association (ANJE) president Lara Guerrero on Wednesday stated her concern with the results of the Latinobarómetro Report 2011, which ranks Dominican Republic as the third worse place in the perception of progress as a country, among the 19 nations evaluated.
“The results shown by this study, which is elaborated by the Latinobarómetro Corporation, is of great concern for us, when representing new evidence on the deterioration of the country’s international positioning in the area of democracy, government management and competitiveness.”
According to the data the report presents, in the Dominican case, as in the rest of Latin America, the most important element to improve democracy is to reduce corruption.
“It’s worrisome the way in which society has been assimilating a culture of corruption, because 42% of the Dominicans are willing to bribe to secure government services, the highest percentage of the region,” Guerrero said.
She added that the country is very poorly positioned regarding government efficiency and transparency, when it tanks among the worst of the 19 countries evaluated.