While the government snoozes, mountain town fixes road

San Jose de Ocoa, Dominican Republic.- More than 50 San Jose de Ocoa province (south) organizations who independently began repairs on the mountain city’s only highway Tuesday said they’ll not sit and wait any longer and will continue the work because that span cannot continue in its current state.
They reiterated a call to authorities to keep their promises mande more than four years ago. The voluntary crews headed by the Ocoa Standing Foundation, farmers, drivers and community leaders arrived early morning to start working on the deteriorated section from Ocoa to Cruce de Ocoa, with one front end loader, picks, shovels, machetes, wheelbarrows, trucks and other equipment.
“We cannot sit and wait to solve this urgent problem of the community any longer, we invite the authorities to accompany us or better yet keep their promise to the town of Ocoa,” they shouted.
They said the highway, just like most of the roads are in bad condition since 2007, with no concrete actions from the government, adding that they’ll forge ahead with volunteers and of the community’s contributions “as father Luis Quinn taught us for more than 40 years.”
They ask support for their radio-TV-marathon slated for Friday.