National heroes’ daughter slams Dominican machismo

Santo Domingo.- Ruling party deputy Minou Tavárez Mirabal on Wednesday called the public safety agencies’ lack of commitment by to confront the violence against women “shameful” and admitted manifestations of machismo in the ruling PLD.
“The Dominican system doesn’t have affection for its women citizens. It doesn’t take care of them, doesn’t protect them. It doesn’t guarantee that fundamental right to life.” the lawmaker said.
Tavárez, interviewed by Martin Iragorri in the Global Foundation Democracy and Development (FUNGLODE), said in Dominican Republic six of every 10 homes have some type of gender violence. “We cannot ignore this, because it’s an area that requires more attention and more government spending.”
The daughter of the late national heroes Manolo Tavarez Justo and Minerva Mirabal added that the Mirabal sisters’ main legacy is the struggle and sacrifice to conquer humanity fundamental values and rights.