Separated twins recover, could be home by Christmas

Santo Domingo.- The conjoined twins Maria Teresa and Teresa Maria Tapia, separated November 8 in Richmod, Virginia, continue their recovery and could return to the country by Christmas, said Sunday the head surgeon of the medical team which conducted the operation.
Dr. David A. Lanning, interviewed on the phone by newspaper Hoy, said Maria or breathes unassisted while Teresa could be disconnected from the oxygen machine as soon as in two days.
Although the girls were joined at the abdomen and thorax, sharing a liver and part of their gastrointestinal system, both will conserve those complete organs, which will allow them to ingest adequate nutrition.
The surgeon said both girls could be able to walk within two weeks, since they must now learn to walk individually. “For them it will be a little strange to walk at the outset, because they were accustomed to walk leaning on one another.”