Prominent figure questions OAS’ concern over Haiti border incident

Santo Domingo.- The concern stated Monday by the Organization of American States’ (OAS) Secretary General on the incident in the Dominican-Haiti the border on Saturday which reportedly left one Haitian and one Dominican dead drew doubts among morning TV shows, given the extent of the official’s surprising position.
Jose Miguel Insulza said while the investigation continues, Santo Domingo and Port-au-Prince should “proceed with moderation and table a significant dialogue to confront it and other issues regarding their common interests along the border.”
But Insulza’s unusual response to an incident that has now become all too common was questioned by Dominican Olympic Committee president Luis (Luisin) Mejia and other morning radio show hosts. “I don’t quite get this,” Mejia said in the program Hoy Mismo, Channel 9.
“We hail both governments’ initiatives to bolster the relations of friendship and the OAS remains willing to provide support where necessary and if the parties request it,” the OAS Secretary Genereal said in a statement from Washington.