Extraditable’s “hat tricks” must stop, Prosecutor says

Santo Domingo. – Justice minister Radhames Jimenez Tuesday asked the Supreme Court to put an end “to the vicious circle and hat tricks” employed by the extraditable alleged drug baron Ramon del Rosario Puente “Toño Leña,” and which has delayed his extradition request proceedings an entire year.
Jiménez said there’s a weakness in procedural term, stressing that throughout the year, the Justice Ministry has kept all legal requirements ij the case updated, and that the Supreme Court has given del Rosario all the opportunities for legitimate defense. He said despite the repeated postponements, “there’s nothing which can be possibly attributed to the honorable justices,” Hugo Alvarez, Edgar Hernandez and Victor Jose Castellanos.
The hearings resume at 11pm today after 10 postponements, for the accused also known as “El Maestro” and “El Frances.”