Top official challenges British Ambassador to name names

Santo Domingo.- The Presidency’s Antinarcotics Adviser Thursday said instead of generalizing, British ambassador Steven Fisher should name, through Dominican Republic’s Foreign Relations Ministry, the company he said abandoned the country because of extortion.
Marino Vinicio (Vincho) Castillo said it’s not ethical to say that companies came to invest in the country and then left, neither identifying them nor the officials who allegedly extorted them for bribes.
In his view it could’ve been a case in which those companies sought excessive benefits, but across the desk found an honest official willing to enforce the law. “Such an affirmation, without stating what it is about, nor identifying the names of the companies and the official, is disturbing.”
The official, interviewed in an activity organized by the Ethics and Anticorruption Commission with the CDP and SNTP press unions, said the good investors come to the country and comply with what Dominican laws stipulate
Fisher yesterday complained of the country’s lack of security for the foreign investment and denounced that a British company had to leave because it was being extorted.
Entity wants proof
Justice and Transparency Foundation (FJT) president Trajano Potentini today also called Fisher denunciation serious, and asked him to submit proof.