Pressure mounts on Brit ambassador to name names

Santo Domingo.- The Justice and Transparency Foundation (FJT) joined the mounting calls on British ambassador Steven Fisher’s to name the alleged corrupt officials which forced a UK company to pack its bags.
It called the UK Ambassador’s denunciation on corruption and Dominican Republic’s lack of legal security for foreign investment, so serious, that he should resort to corresponding route, which is it the Foreign Relations Ministry.
In a statement issued Thursday, FJT president Trajano Potentini invited Fisher to channel his denunciation, a British company that recently had to leave left the country after being extorted for bribes.
He said the diplomat should submit forceful evidence and demand compliance by the Dominican Government.
Potentini said he disagrees with the diplomat’s use of public and solemn backdrop for his denunciation, made while lecturing on anti-corruption in an event held in the Justice Ministry.