Local November 29, 2011 | 11:22 am

UK Ambassador backtracks on extortion details, diariolibre.com reports

SANTO DOMINGO.- British ambassador Steven Fisher on Tuesday reiterated his denunciation that important British companies abandoned Dominican Republic after Government officials allegedly extorted them for bribes.

The diplomat’s statement that he’ll not provide more details to the media is a reversal of his Monday affirmation that the information will be posted in the UK Embassy’s Website, where it wasn’t found as of 11:12am Tuesday.

Fisher cited by news source diariolibre.com, also agreed with Dominican authorities’ complaint that the allegation should’ve been handled via diplomatic channels instead.

"Corruption is a problem which affects two British companies. It’s not correct to enter in detail via the communications media," Fisher said prior to a meeting with Senate president Reinaldo Pared.

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