Local December 7, 2011 | 1:03 pm

Asisa Poll, Danilo Medina 53.1%; Hipólito Mejía 40.5%

SANTO DOMINGO. – According to the latest survey by the pollster Asisa, if the presidential elections were to be held today, ruling PLD party candidate Danilo Medina would win with 53.1% of the votes, to 40.5% for his rival in the opposition PRD party Hipólito Mejía.

The poll on 1,519 people conducted between December 2 and 3 reveals that Medina leads Mejía in all the regions, with the lowest support in the north zone with 46.1%, and as high as 57.5% in the South

The survey disclosed by Asisa executives Wednesday found that minority party (Country Alliance) candidate Guillermo Moreno is in a distant third place with 1.5%, while Julian Serrulle and Max Puig are tied for fourth, with just 0.1% of the votes.

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