Caves no escape for thugs from Police “shrew” agents, reports

Santo Domingo.- Forced to deal with a sweeping advance in the types of new crimes during the last five years ago, the National Police created the Los Topos (shrews) Unit, whose agents are highly trained to fight drugs and other felonies especially in caves and the maze of alleyways in barrios of the Capital.
Reported by news source, the “shrews” are specialized in the pursuit and capture of thugs that hide in the countless nooks and crannies in the slums of Guachupita, Gualey, Los Guandules, Simon Bolivar, La Cienega, and others known for their high crime rates.
Though born with the Democratic Security Plan in 2005, it was last year when current Police chief Jose Polanco realized the urgent need to organize them into a company, with orders to train new agents to become “Topos.”
The Unit’s 74 men and women agents patrol alleys in groups of 10, venture into the numerous dark caves along the Ozama and Isabela riverbanks even in the dead of night, terrorizing the criminals.
Created by general Juan Gerónimo Brown, the shrews program will be expand to the other cities and currently trains 200 in the Duarte Riot Police Camp, to be ready in next the three months.
On a daily basis the Topos arrest gun thieves and drug pushers who try to escape via the river, in the narrowest alleys and the caves, and from November to December recovered nearly 100 firearms and seized nearly 1.7 kilos of different types of drugs, and arrested nearly 150 fugitives.