Agents find minors in Boca Chica brothel, two arrests

SANTO DOMINGO. – Several Government agencies converged in Boca Chica during a nighttime raid Tuesday, and rescued a 13 and 16 year-old who were being sexually exploited in a bar of the sector La Caleta.
Police agents and Assistant DAs were accompanying Labor Ministry and National Childhood Council (CONANI) inspectors in patrols of the sector, when they learned of the two adolescents who were “working” in a cafeteria, but which was the front for the 12-room brothel, “Pablo Sazon.”
Labor Vice minister Felix hidalgo said measures were taken to protect the minors, who were immediately taken to CONANI. “This operation is part of the Labor Ministry’s actions to eliminate the sexual exploitation of children in Dominican Republic.”
Arrested on the spot were Bernardo Segura Felix, owner of the brothel, and the customer Hansel Samuel, who was allegedly found in on e of the rooms with one of the minors.