Anti-Corruption Alliance is fed up with Anti-Corruption chief

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Anti-Corruption Alliance president Julio Cesar de la Rosa affirmed Thursday that Anti-Corruption director Hotoniel Bonilla isn’t doing his job regarding denunciations from sectors which he should act on.
He said the entity fails to carry out its function of prosecuting acts of corruption and worse still, has become a stumbling block in the fight against it.
De la Rosa said denunciations which have been submitted haven’t been dealt with, including complaints and warnings over Accounts Chamber audits. He said just the Alliance has filed more than five denunciations and complaints, and have yet to proceed.
Interviewed on Channel 2, Teleantillas, the head of the Anti-corruption Alliance said faced with the situation, several organization recently requested a cease-and-desist order for president Leonel Fernandez to comply with the law, in his view broken by Bonilla’s lack of action. The request requests that the chief executive remove Bonilla from the post, on failing his responsibilities to prosecute acts of government corruption, explained.