102 kilo cocaine bust of Colombian, Puerto Rican ring nets 5

SANTO DOMINGO. – The National Drugs Control Agency (DNCD) on Friday said it seized 102 kilos of cocaine and it arrested 5 individuals who form part of a drug trafficking ring based in the Capital and San Pedro (east), where they received the drugs from Columbia to then send it to the United States.
DNCD president Rolando Rosado said the drug was seized in San Pedro, and arrested Dewiky Quezada Molina (Taliban), the alleged coordinator of shipments to Puerto Rico and other parts of the US.
Also arrested were Tomas Mejía Rosario (Fello), Alexander Rosario (Caché), Luis Antonio Hernández (Edwin) Tomás Alexandro Mejía (El Bory) and Norkis de Dios Fernández.
Rosado said undercover agents infiltrated the criminal organization four months ago, after and exchange of information with the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), which pursues other suspects in Puerto Rico.
“We’re talking about a network formed by Dominicans, Colombians and Puerto Ricans which had its base of operations in San Pedro de Macorís to send shipments of cocaine and probably heroin to Puerto Rico, from where it was also taken the United States.”