Revelry at feared union boss’ interrogation on Environment crime

Santo Domingo.- To the beat of native drums, hip hop and waving banners of the opposition PRD party, hundreds of bus drivers converged in the Office of the Environment Prosecutor Tuesday, to support the feared union boss and deputy Juan Hubieres, who’ll be questioned for allegedly violating the Environment Law.
Dozens of drivers from various towns in nearby provinces and the National District, with pickets chanting “enough persecution against Juan Hubieres already,” snarled traffic upset daily activities in the Centro de los Heroes near Congress, where a group of drummers and callers was accompanied by powerful loudspeakers.
The demonstrators have been cordoned off by antiriot police, in what appears to be a political rally, with demonstrators waving flags of the PRD and other opposition parties.
“Hubieres, we support you” and “we are with you” chant the demonstrators, to the loudspeakers blast of “You have, without you this country sinks.
The legislator, who arrived after 10:30am accompanied by his lawyer Thomas Castro, faces charges of invading and causing damages in a protected area in the sector Los Farallones, together with a group of drivers of his union, FENATRANO.
The crimes against the victims from Hubieres’ often violent strikes have gone unpunished, for which the local media have dubbed him one of the country’s “owners.”