Local February 10, 2012 | 10:22 am

Major hacking probe targets prominent Dominican media figures (Update 2)

SANTO Domingo.- The prominent media figure Guillermo Gomez, producer and host of the TV program Aeromundo on Colorvision, and closely linked to the opposition PRD party, is the target of a major hacking probe, local media report Friday morning.

Swat teams and other agents raided several properties pertaining to Gomez, including his residence on Enriquillo St. #77, in the upscale Cacicazgos sector, his offices in the Naco sector, and a villa in the resort Casa de Campo.

Also currently being searched are the offices of the news source Sigle21.com, headed by prominent journalist Rahdames Gomez Sanchez, reportedly under arrest, which has been recently publishing alleged acts of Government corruption, but has been taken off line since around one hour ago.

Local media also reports that the "apparent" main suspect of the hacking is Guillermo Gomez’s son, Jose A. Gomez Canaan.


The raids have also been reported in the fifth floor of the building JJ Roca, in the Lope de Vega Av. in Naco, which house the law offices Gomez & Gomez y Asociados, also searched by investigators.


Aroun noon Friday Gomez called the raids "an attack against freedom of the press," becuase in his view, the actions was taken after elsiglo21.com published the denunciations of corruption.

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