Local February 13, 2012 | 9:59 am

Customs shouldn’t let country become dumping ground, Consumer chief says

Santo Domingo.- Neither Dominican Republic nor any of the Caribbean countries should become the dumping ground for products that countries such as the United States, the European Union, Asia and Australia discard because of the health risks they pose, warned the director of the Consumers Protection Agency (ProConsumidor) Sunday.

Altagracia Paulino also noted that the Customs agencies of the region’s countries should be more directly involved in the vigilance and security of imported products, as a guarantee for consumers.

Speaking in a Organization of American States (OAS) dialogue on Consumption Safety, the official said the Customs Agency shouldn’t reject the role of vigilance because in every country it’s the key department in regulating the entry of products and merchandise, specially in the case is foods and medicines.

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