Local February 13, 2012 | 2:22 pm

Four mild tremors shake the country in the last few hours

Santo Domingo.- Four tremors higher than magnitude 3.0 shook the Northeast and East regions in the last few hours, without causing damages or striking fear among the population.

The Santo Domingo State University (UASD) Seismology Institute said the first quake of 3.4 magnitude was detected between Saona Island and the Mona Passage at 9:31pm; the second of 3.3 degrees between Samaná Bay and Sanchez at 11:02pm, and the third of 3.4 at 4:13am in the Caribbean Sea, again near Saona.

Seismologist Juan Arias said the Institute recorded another tremor at 4:57pm of 3.1 magnitude northeast of Samaná, in the Atlantic Ocean.

During the first 12 days this month the country’s various faults which unleash tremors have caused only one and two quakes every 24 hours, much fewer than January’s more than 72, of three magnitude or stronger, among them 10 or more which were felt by the population.

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