Local February 15, 2012 | 10:24 am

Widely scattered showers, clearing skies

Santo Domingo. – Mostly cloudy skies are expected for the East, Northeast, Cibao and Southeast, with widely scattered showers, the National Meteorology Office forecast today.

It said the North, Northwest Line and border zone can expect mostly clear skies with low probability of rain, from the prevailing Northeast wind and an approaching trough that with some scattered to moderate showers for the Northeast, Eastern Mountains, Atlantic coast and some parts of the Cibao Valley, decreasing at night.

Meteorology said a high pressure system over the North Atlantic and Caribbean means low probabilities of rains during the next 72 hours, adding that the marine conditions along the Atlantic Coast are gradually improving, with waves no higher than 7 feet near the coast, but small craft should remain in port.

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