Local February 17, 2012 | 8:56 am

Protestant churches warn against political affiliation

Santo Domingo.- The leadership of the Evangelical Unity Council (Codue) Thursday stated its concern that some national evangelical community leaders have expressed support for certain candidates to the Presidency, which in its view sends a message to the population that Protestants massively support them.

In a statement, Codue said it doesn’t support the institutional identification with any political party, since the churches’ faithful deserve he respect of their right to affiliate and to individual participation.

After acknowledging the importance of the parties’ role in democracy and the citizens’ right and capacity to affiliate with these, Codue notes that no church should be affiliated to a political party as an institution or promote political adherence within.

“Each church member has the freedom to belong to the political organization of their preference; but the church, Biblically understood as the community of believers in Jesus Christ, must be first dedicated to the preaching of the gospel and community service, the spiritual orientation to preserve the family, capable of establish order in society and preserve the current and future generations,” the Protestant churches said.

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