Local March 12, 2012 | 5:39 pm

Border markets return to normal after truckers’ incidents

Dajabon, Dominican Republic.- the bi-national markets at Jimaní and Dajabón were held normally Monday after last week’s walkout by truck that drivers on both sides of the border.

Merchants in Jimaní couldn’t sell their wares and products as Dominican truck drivers closed the border with Haiti Monday and Friday, but Dominican ambassador in Haiti Rubén Silié interceded with the neighboring country’s authorities Monday afternoon, to let Dominican and Haitian trucks cross to both sides.

The Jimaní-Malpasse border crossing was closed from March 6 to 9, but the deadlock was solved after talks between the Dominican truckers’ union Fenatrado and Haiti authorities.

Meanwhile Dominican consulate personnel in Ouanaminthe, who left the offices on safety concerns, returned Monday morning. The consular employees and officials spent the night in Dajabón, said the Foreign Relations Ministry Monday, the day after “they noticed the state of tension and disorder which had prevailed in the zone.”

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