Local March 12, 2012 | 7:20 am

Greenberg-Diario Libre poll: Medina 47%, Mejía 46%

Santo Domingo.- The 2012 presidential elections will be a photo-finish between ruling PLD party candidate Danilo Medina and Hipólito Mejía, of the opposition PRD party, according to a Diario Libre-Greenberg poll.

Among the general population Medina leads Mejía by one point (47% to 46%), within the margin of error, while the candidate of the minority party AlPais, Guillermo Moreno gets one percent. It said only a two percent remains undecided.

The survey, whose field work was conducted from February 28 to March 3, also shows a close election among potential voters, with Medina getting 49 percent and Mejía 48 percent.

Each candidate has the support of more than nine of each 10 of their party’s rank-and-file and divide the undecided vote nearly in half (32 to 29 percent in favor of Medina, with the rest undecided).

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