Local March 28, 2012 | 2:52 pm

Government agencies owe Dominican Social Security US$25.6M, unions say

Santo Domingo.- Several Dominican Government agencies owe the nation’s Social Security System (SDSS) more than RD$1.0 billion (US$25.6 million) in violation of the Constitution and Law 87-01 which created it.

The heads of several labor unions made the accusation Wednesday, and blamed Congress, the Supreme Court, the Central Electoral Board, the Armed Forces, the Police and the city councils for failing to pay their share into the system.

They say Social Security Treasurer (TNSS) Henry Sadhalá lacks the will to proceed judicially against the delinquent agencies.

Rafael Abreu (Pepe), speaking for the other national labor union leaders Jacobo Ramos and Gabriel del Rio, said the Social Security treasurer is forced to file charges against those entities which fail to pay their share into the system.

“After this morning’s meeting of unions we decided to ask the National Social Security Council to investigate the Treasure’s failure denounce that evasion by those government agencies the State, and why he hasn’t taken them to court,” he said.

Yesterday the Central Bank was cited among the agencies that didn’t pay into Social Security, but CNSS general manager Rafael Modest Perez today clarified that it does comply by contributions through the TSS.

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