Local May 7, 2012 | 8:54 am

As major polls see ruling party win, the last one out tonight

Santo Domingo.- All surveys disclosed in April say PLD party presidential candidate Danilo Medina will win the May 20 elections over his opposition PRD party rival Hipólito Mejía.

The last major poll to be conducted before the elections will be Penn & Schoen, whose results will start to be disclosed 9pm Monday, on SIN Channel 7

The major pollsters Gallup, Asisa and Newlink say Medina leads Mejia with 50% plus one vote, the minimum required to win the elections in the first balloting.

Gallup has Medina with 50.6% to Mejia’s 44.6%; Asisa said Medina says has 53.2% of the votes to Mejía’s 44.8 percent, while NewLink found that Medina 52.3 percent to Mejia’s 45 percent.

Mejia’s campaign has argued that the proliferation of surveys which favor Medina is part of his adversary’s media strategy.

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