Local May 7, 2012 | 8:24 am

Truckers reiterate strike this week

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic’s powerful truckers union Fenatrado maintains its announced a strike for May 8 and 9, after failing to reach an agreement with the government.

Union president Blas Peralta, quoted by diariolibre.com, revealed that he spoke with Public Works minister Victor Diaz Rúa Thursday but didn’t reach any agreement, for which Fenatrado decided to maintain its call to strike from 6am Wednesday to 6am Thursday.

"We already decided that the strike goes. The elections don’t concern us, what we want is our money. In addition there’s still 15 days left to the elections, that is to say there’s time for everything and this is a peaceful walkout. Apparently saying that this affects the election, that’s extortion of who says it."

Fenatrado announced the strike last week to press the government to pay a RD$300.0 million debt the union says is owed them.

Shipping companies reject

The president of the shippers grouped in ANRD Teddy Heinsen, said Fenatrado’s planned strike is inadmissible and inopportune, which will only lead to uneasiness of productive activities that need a business climate of certainty.

He said Fenatrado’s call reveals the "intolerance" against the freight transport to and from the country’s various ports.

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