Local May 16, 2012 | 10:36 am

Hamilton survey: Medina 52%, Mejía 43%

SANTO DOMINGO. – The U.S. based pollster Hamilton Campaigns Monday said its survey found that Dominican Republic’s ruling PLD party presidential candidate Danilo Medina will win Sunday’s elections with 52% of the vote against 43% for Hipólito Mejía, of the opposition PRD party.

Hamilton executive David A. Beattie said the poll also found that 74% of the people interviewed said there won’t be a runoff election.

When asked whom they would vote for, 52% of those interviewed said for Medina; 43% for Mejía; 1% for Al-Pais candidate Guillermo Moreno; 1% for Eduardo Estrella of the DXC, and 3% said they didn’t know.

The Hamilton executive added that survey conducted from May 10 to 13 nationwide interviewed 1,200 eligible voters, with a margin of error of 2.8%.

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