Skirmishes mar Dominican Republic presidential election

Santo Domingo.- Skirmishes in several parts of the country and the arrest of a retired general have been reported since early Sunday, as millions of Dominicans vote for a president and overseas deputies in the wake of a mostly peaceful political campaign.
The Electoral Police detained Army general (r) Julio Rafael Molina after an argument during which he allegedly brandished a weapon, and ex deputy Reinaldo Rincon was fired on at the corner of the busy avenues Nuñez de Caceres with Mejia Ricart in the sector Las Praderas.
Central Electoral Board president Roberto Rosario said Molina was arrested Saturday night in the bar “Baccus” at downtown intersection Churchill with Sarasota avenues, owned by Rincon.
Molina, together with also retired general and ex Police chief Pedro de Jesus Candelier had threatened, together with other senior retired military, to defend the votes cast for opposition PRD party presidential candidate Hipolito Mejía with, “trained men and weapons” if it were necessary.
Incidents have also been reported in other parts of the country, with only minor injuries thus far.