Local May 21, 2012 | 11:36 am

Anxious night gives way to patience on final vote tally

SANTO DOMINGO.- After a night of anxiety and political unease on Monday most Dominicans patiently await the final and official results from Sunday’s presidential election won by ruling PLD party candidate Danilo Medina with 51.2% of the votes, against PRD rival Hipólito Mejia’s 46.9%.

The Central Electoral Board (JCE) Website’s latest figures show the figures on 99% of the polling places tallied, as both candidates said they’d await the definitive results to make an announcement.

“Although the tendency has been the same since the first bulletin, we’ll set the example and wait for the JCE to declare a winner," tweeted Medina to supporters to go celebrate at party headquarters Monday morning.

But Mejía said he doesn’t trust the results disclosed thus far. "There are still more votes to tally, I want to wait until tomorrow Monday (…) and I want to wait until they arrive here (vote tallies) and my people bring them to compare them."

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