Local May 21, 2012 | 9:34 am

Half DT’s readers hit target on polls; Penn & Schoen; Greenberg score

Santo Domingo.- Slightly more than half of DT’s readers hit the target on the surveys leading to the country’s presidential election won by ruling PLD party Danilo Medina with 51.2% of the votes, to opposition rival Hipolito Mejia’s 46.9%.

When asked “Are the major surveys right on ruling party win?,” the response “Yes, they have a good track record,” drew 38,134 votes, or 50.65% of the votes, while “No, they are way off,” had 37,047 votes (49.21%) for second place.

The response “Maybe, but people are fickle,” drew 71 votes, or 0.09%, while “Yes, but there will be a runoff” had 30 votes, or 0.04% of the readers who took part in the unscientific poll.

Greenberg, Penn & Schoen hit the mark

Newspaper Diario Libre’s Greenberg survey and Bernardo Vega’s Penn & Schoen came the closest in predicting the voting results, giving ruling PLD party candidate Danilo Medina 51% against opposition PRD party opponent Hipólito Mejia’s 46%.

Medina won Sunday’s presidential election in the first balloting with 51.2%, while Mejía drew 46.9 percent.

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