Local May 21, 2012 | 8:17 am

Heads of two major parties hail voters’ civism

Santo Domingo.- After casting his vote in the sprawling barrio of the capital Villa Juana, president Leonel Fernandez said the polls were a new celebration of democracy.

The also president of the ruling PLD party said the population participated massively in the elections which in his view had no serious incidents.

The Head of State arrived at the polling place at 4:15pm to the applause of several government officials and dozens of members of the ruling PLD party waiting out front.

Opposition leader

Opposition PRD party president Miguel Vargas voted in the upscale Bella Vista sector, were he affirmed having always voted for the candidate of his party.

Vargas’ statements come in the wake of months of speculation, stemming from the internal conflict with PRD ex candidate Hipolito Mejia.

He congratulated the voters for the civism in the elections, adding that together all Dominicans will accept the poll results today.

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