Local May 21, 2012 | 6:47 am

Ruling party wins Dom. Rep. Presidency with 51%; opposition balks (Update)

Santo Domingo.- With only 129 polling places to count, the ruling PLD has 51.24%, to the PRD’s 46.93%.

File.- With more than 90 percent of the votes counted Danilo Medina of Dominican Republic’s ruling PLD party has won the presidential election with 51.20%, to opposition PRD party rival Hipólito Mejia’s 47.00%.

Mejía however questioned the polling results and said the country has regressed to the era of totalitarian governments, on alleged irregularities he affirms occurred in yesterday’s elections which included Overseas deputies.

“The shameful thing is that we’ve gone back to the time of autocratic governments, there were provinces in which three generals went to,” Mejía said at 1:45am when leaving the PRD informatics center.

More information shortly…

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