Local May 21, 2012 | 3:18 pm

Venezueala, Puerto Rico congratulate the President elect

Santo Domingo. – The chief executives of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, and Puerto Rico’s Luis Fortuño today congratulated the Dominican people and ruling PLD party president elect Danilo Medina for the win victory in Sunday’s elections.

"The victory of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) gives us hope of conserving the dignity and sovereignty for the future of the entire region’s," the Venezuelan Foreign Relations Ministry said in a statement from Caracas cited by Efe

"President Chavez also wishes to recognize president Leonel Fernandez, who during his mandate has known how to place the Dominican Republic at the center of the region’s integration processes," it said.

Fortuño congratulated Medina for winning the presidential elections and expect continuing strong ties. "I’m sure the cooperation which we’ve had between Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic during these last few years will continue growing," he said in a statement.

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