Local May 30, 2012 | 8:10 am

The Palace empties as throngs beat path to the President-elect

Santo Domingo. – Empty hallways and parking lots and little movement by officials in the National Palace is the stark contrast with the throngs in and around what was president elect Danilo Medina’s campaign headquarters, where hundreds of people gathered to not “get left out in the cold.”

The offices located on Sarasota Av. in the upscale sector Mirador Sur were packed with so many people that many had to remain outside waiting for Medina’s arrival, under the baking sun and some impeccably dressed and folders in hand.

As the afternoon wore and the hours passed without Medina in sight, the crowd began thinning and only few waited into the event in hopes of meeting with the President-elect.

Nearly all signed the guest book to “greet and congratulate” Medina, who on Monday told reporters that “I’ve nothing to say,” and that when he has a statement, “I’ll call you.”

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