Local June 1, 2012 | 3:04 pm

A big chunk of the territory is prone to flooding, landslides

Santo Domingo.- As much as 60% of Dominican Republic’s territory is prone to flooding and from 60 to 70% are at risk of landslides, Efe reports Thursday.

National Emergency Commission director Luis Luna Paulino’s revelation marks the start of the Atlantic hurricane season today, but noted that emergency plans and crews are prepared to act, supported by 10,000 volunteers.

He said the highest risk is the Bajo Yuna region, which spans the north-central and northeastern provinces Maria Trinidad Sanchez, Duarte, Salcedo, Sanchez Ramirez and Monseñor Noel. "That whole area is flood prone; it’s the most sensitive to flooding from prolonged rainfall."

Luna also included San Pedro de Macoris (east), Monte Cristi (northwest) and San Cristobal (west of Santo Domingo) among the areas most exposed to storm damage.

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