Local June 5, 2012 | 7:45 am

Medina, Obama talk priority bilateral issues

Santo Domingo.- President-elect Danilo Medina said US president Barack Obama called him by phone on Monday to congratulate him on his victory in the May 20 elections and to discuss priority bilateral issues.

According to Medina, Obama lauded the Central Electoral Board’s transparency in the management of the process and how it contributes to bolstering democracy.

He said the US president stated his interest in continuing to develop relevant issues, which Washington has been working with president Leonel Fernandez’s administration.

Medina said Obama stressed the importance of continuing the war on drug trafficking, initiatives to strengthen democracy, transparency and to implement public policies to benefit vulnerable Dominicans.


The U.S. Embassy website said the two leaders discussed a shared responsibility to improve safety, reduce the traffic of illicit drugs, and stressed the importance of economic growth to advance the wellbeing of all Dominicans

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