Local June 18, 2012 | 7:47 am

Flash flood alerts issued as downpours continue

SANTO DOMINGO.- The two days of constant downpours are expected to continue through Monday nationwide, from a trough located over the Windward Passage.

The Emergency Operations Center (COE) has issued flash flooding and mudslide alert for Santo Domingo, San Cristóbal, Santiago, San José de Ocoa, Peravia and Azua provinces.

The National Meteorology Office (Onamet) forecasts rains accompanied by thunderstorms and gusts of winds over much of the country, more frequent and intense in the southeast, southwest, the Central Mountains and border area.It said the downpours will decrease starting tomorrow and temperatures as high as 35 degrees Celsius will return across most of ??the country.It said the high temperatures will continue from the prevailing east wind.

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