Local June 18, 2012 | 11:32 am

Traffic cops on summons rampage, weeks before change of President

SANTO DOMINGO.- The Metropolitan Transit Authority (AMET) retained 350 light and heavy vehicles on the Duarte highway, where drivers were charged with various traffic violations, including no insurance, no license and speeding.

The vehicles were taken to the impound yard at La Cumbre, on the Duarte Highway, until their owners pay fines and comply with the law.

The operation comes less than 60 days when president elect Danilo Medina is expected to make sweeping changes in the cabinet and other senior government posts staring August 16.

AMET director Jose Sanz Jiminian listed heavy vehicles using the passing lane, missing lights and other motorists running the red light among the infractions, for which offenders must pay up to RD$1,600.

He said agents have retained more than 700 vehicles since Friday, adding that the operation will continue "unchanged" nationwide, to reduce traffic fatalities.

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