Time for government agencies to shed largess

Santo Domingo.- The Public Administration Ministry (MAP) warned the government agencies that since the 120 day deadline for each ministry to reduce the number of its vice ministers to no more than six has expired, it shall notify the offices of the Controller and of the Budget to remove those posts from the payroll.
It said it will also notify Executive Branch on the maximum official number of vice ministers that each agency should have, which is six, as resolution 07-2012 states.
MAP minister Ramón Ventura Camejo states that every ministry is responsible for relocating those vice ministers they require.
As of yesterday Education, Interior and Police, Youth, Agriculture and Higher Education ministries had yet to submit the list of the vice ministers on their payrolls.
Of the total of 220 vice ministers, Sports and Public Health have 35 each, although the figures are higher given the titles of “undersecretary” which several ministries still employ.
The Treasury, MAP and Economy are the only ministries which comply with the law with three vice ministries each.