Local June 19, 2012 | 11:18 am

Top official slams Dominicans for “acting a fool” on immigration

SANTO DOMINGO. – Immigration Agency director José Ricardo Taveras on Tuesday said the only thing his department is doing is enforcing Regulation 631 regarding foreigners in the country, after the 8-month deadline issued in October last year has expired, but slammed society for “acting a fool” regarding the immigration problem.

The official said a deadline for all foreigners to obtain documents as farmhands or students was issued June 1, and informed the Education Ministry to provide IDs for all foreign students in the classrooms. "When a person comes in as a student, they must have a visa, a passport valid for 18 months, regular status as a foreign student, and renewable each year according to the curriculum. When they graduate they are given 45 days to return to their country."

Interviewed on CDN 37, Taveras added that recognizes the legality of vocation schools, so the solution will be agreed to provide them with documents.

Taveras slammed society for “acting a fool” regarding the immigration problem, so much so that “there isn’t even an effective control border, while Dominicans themselves have made the intersections into businesses.”

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