Local June 20, 2012 | 12:51 pm

US Embassy donates computer equipment to National District DA’s Office

SANTO DOMINGO. – The U.S. Embassy’s Narcotics Affairs Section donated US$112,000 worth of computers and related equipment for the National District Office of the Prosecutor’s six recently created departments, as part of the inter-agency cooperation.

National District prosecutor Yeni Berenice Reynoso thanked US Embassy chief of staff Todd Haskell for the equipment, and noted that they’ll be use in the departments of Service Systems, Technical Management, Internal Affairs, Trafficking in Persons, Capture of Fugitives, Quality Management and Case Audits.

Haskell, who affirmed that the Embassy had trained the Office of the Prosecutor personnel in various areas, added that together with the equipment are examples of U.S.-D.R. cooperation, and joint commitment to promote the rule of law and in law enforcement.

The donation includes 25 printers, 3 laptops, 29 UPS, 29 PCs, 5 video cameras, 5 digital cameras, 29 LCD screens, a speaker bar and a scanner.

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