Local June 23, 2012 | 10:04 am

Dominican President among first leaders to rebuke Paraguay ouster

Rio de Janeiro.- President Leonel Fernandez became one of the first leaders to rebuke the ouster of Paraguay resident Fernando Lugo, when he vigorously condemned the measure as illegal and undemocratic, and asked the international community to not recognize Paraguay’s new government.

Upon learning of Congress’s impeachment of Lugo in Asuncion on Friday, Fernandez asked the Organization of American States to immediately convene the foreign ministers, to suspend the South American country from the region’s organizations.

The head of state argued that there should be a collective action by the international community, aimed at reinstating Lugo to Paraguay’s presidency, and revert what he calls a decline in respect for the rule of law in Latin America.

"Regardless that resident Lugo has been replaced by the Vice President, this is a government whicih lacks all legality," Fernandez said from Rio de Janeiro, where he participates in United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio +20.

The presidents of Ecuador Rafael Correa and of Venezuela Hugo Chavez, among others, have alsot rebuked the impeachmet.

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