Local June 23, 2012 | 9:38 am

Energy chief faces more questions on rush to sign deals

SANTO DOMINGO.- The Justice and Transparency Foundation (FJT) on Friday rebuked that some government officials are signing contracts, calling for tenders and entering into commitments in the transition process, which go beyond their tenure in the post.

FJT president Trajano Potentini, though acknowledging that the constitutional term ends on August 16, said the current officials shouldn’t force the incoming Administrations to inherit further commitments.

He stressed his concern for the lack of tact he affirms some officials have shown when failing to understand that the country is undergoing an economic crisis which requires that everyone understands the need to coordinate with actions with the incoming authorities.

Potentini said he’s concerned with the State-owned power utility’s (CDEEE) efforts to call for tenders and award around US$4.0 billion in operations and contracts prior to August 16, in addition to the US$80.0 million in an agreement without public bidding announced a few weeks ago.

He said CDEEE CEO Celso Marranzini would violate law 340-06, and the regulation in the supplementary budget of US$500 million in to subsidy the deficient and mismanaged electricity sector, a situation on which Marranzini will be questioned Tuesday by a committee from both houses of Congress.

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