Local June 23, 2012 | 12:07 pm

Ruling party should give lower Chamber’s presidency to the opposition, politico

Santo Domingo.- Prominent attorney and political leader Vinicio Castillo Seman on Friday said to reach the national unity which in his view will be required to deal with the country’s serious problems over the next four years, the ruling PLD party should let the opposition PRD have the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies, starting August 16.

"In the 1990s Joaquín Balaguer made "a democratic and politically balanced gesture when he allowed the PLD, which was a minority in the Chamber of Deputies, to preside over this Chamber in the person of today’s President elect Danilo Medina and Norge Botello," he said.

Castillo, a senior leader of the minority party FNP, said at this time, in keeping with the President elect’s discourse for national unity, and a common agenda involving all major political parties and civil society would be a good gesture on the part of the PLD, “to assess the relevance of the PRD presiding the Chamber of Deputies as of August 16.”

"It’s a proposal at the personal level. The country doesn’t need sterile fights or street protests. It’s looking ahead with optimism and hope," he said.

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