Local June 28, 2012 | 8:26 am

Program aims to better protect battered women

Santo Domingo.- Dominican authorities work toward a more effectively care for and protect women victims of violence, with the launch of a mechanism which seeks to provide quick response to reported cases.

The Management Model for Comprehensive Care Units Domestic Violence, Domestic and Sexual Offences is oriented not only to investigate and prosecute femicides, but to prevent them, and increase the effectiveness of the restraining orders through the complementary media campaign.

It also includes nearly RD$30 million for a project funded by the Dominican Telecom Institute (Indotel) and the UN Population Fund, to provide a call center and website to work 24-7 seven to make it easier for women to denounce their attackers.

Assistant DA for Women’s Affairs, Roxanna Reyes admits difficulties on the management of complaints, and that stronger coordination is needed among all actors involved in the problem of violence. "This model promotes the non-repeat victimization of women and prevention through screening. When the abused woman files the complaint it’s the responsibility of the prosecutions not to lose the victim. Once entered into the system there must be follow up."

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