Local June 29, 2012 | 8:33 am

Opposition party stalwarts seek to heal its electoral wounds

SANTO DOMINGO.- The opposition PRD party’s "old stalwarts" seek a solution to the crisis which keeps it divided, for which they’ve formed an “Advisory Committee” which will meet Monday with the entity’s authorities known for their affiliation to the group of the former presidential candidate Hipolito Mejia.

PRD general secretary Orlando Jorge confirmed that the Committee’s members are convening the meeting for 10am Monday in the PRD National District offices on Dr. Baez Av, where all of the party’s sectors should be heard. "It’s important to hear that entity’s opinion because it’s an organization which as its name says is advisory"

Emmanuel Esquea chairs the Committee and includes Hugo Tolentino Dipp and former presidents, vice presidents, ministers, presidents of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, among others.

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