Local July 3, 2012 | 12:00 pm

Top official warns of undeclared hazardous materials in ports

SANTO DOMINGO. – As many as 50 containers full of hazardous materials are detected each month in the Dominican ports, the head of the Port Security Corps warned Tuesday.

Louis L. Ballester said among the dangerous materials found in the ports figure chemicals, explosives and flammables, which though they enter legally, pose a threat because they aren’t correctly shipped or packed.

These materials are imported by various industries but require a special handling permit.

The official’s warning came during the staging of a drill to bolster security at Haina and Punta Caucedo ports.

Drill at Boca Chica port

Dominican Port Authority director Ramon Rivas asked residents of Haina and of the port town Boca Chica not to get alarmed if they see many emergency vehicles, which will be part of the drill slated for Thursday and Friday.

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