Local July 6, 2012 | 1:58 pm

Agents stormed jail to save colleague’s life, General says

Santiago.- General Miguel Raul de la Cruz Reyna, fired as Northeast Police Commander, Friday afternoon defended the actions of agents who stormed the San Francisco courthouse jail cell and sprung a corporal incarcerated in connection with the killing of a civilian.

The general, who was reassigned without a command, said there’s evidence that Marino Alfonso Torres as about to be murdered within the cell where people he didn’t identify tried to smuggle poisoned food three times.

He said the agents went to the jail cell to pull Torres out and thwart any criminal action against him. "We are not all criminals and thugs, many of us have valor and we’re responsible. I’m solely responsible here and all the consequences have to fall over me."

The National Police named a commission to investigate the incident in which at least 50 police officers took part.

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