Local July 19, 2012 | 7:36 am

More than 40 call for tenders suspended in 4 years, official

Santo Domingo.- Government Purchasing Office Director Eric Hazim yesterday revealed that the materialization of more than 40 call for tenders have been suspended in the last four years for failing to comply with legal requirements, and three canceled as recent as this week.

Among the irregularities by government agencies the official cited violation of threshold, or variation in the amounts, as well as changes in the mode of selection and failure to publish on the website comprasdominicanas.gov.do

He said among the agencies whose bids were suspended figure the Public Works Ministry and several municipalities.

Hazim’s statements formed part of the presentation of his department’s institutional achievements through the programs developed with USAID, the European Union, the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Program for Government Administration Reform.

Among the goals Purchasing reached from 2008 to 2012 figures an improvement in government procurement during his tenure and the proposed legislation to create the Unified Acquisition Regulation.

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