Local July 25, 2012 | 11:27 am

Ruling party deputy warns of growing protests to halt Falconbridge Xtrata mine

Santo Domingo.- A deputy of Dominican Republic’s ruling PLD party on Wednesday joined the growing sectors who warn of social unrest if the miner Falconbridge Xtrata tries to start exploitation for nickel at Loma Miranda, because in his view would kill the region’s more than 30 rivers.

Central La Vega province lawmaker Aridio Vasquez Reyes said the entire community is willing to risk any tragedy in protests at Loma Miranda if the Canada based company makes any attempt to start operations.

He said to prevent something unfortunate from taking place it’s preferable that the Government take action to stop the mining at Loma Miranda.

Vazquez said Loma Miranda will not be subjected to what occurred at Loma Ortega, where Falconbridge allegedly broke the area’s ecological balance with what he calls irreparable damages, and left only suffering for those who live in La Vega.

He said thousands of citizens are willing to die before allowing the exploitation of the city of La Vega’s only remaining ecological lung.

Other personalities including the priest Rogelio Genao have protested the miner’s operations at Loma Miranda, but the Falconbridge affirms it conducts environmentally friendly exploitation in the area.

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