Local July 26, 2012 | 8:15 am

Demands for the State University Presidency to come clean snowball

Santo Domingo.- Demands that the Santo Domingo State University (UASD) Presidency’s disclose the entity’s payroll have snowballed this week, as the institution plunges into its worst financial crisis in recent history and the soaring costs of loans and services pits students and authorities.

The student group which has most pressed for "clear accounts" from the UASD current authorities is the powerful Amin Abel Student Liberation Front (FELABEL), which on Wednesday challenged UASD headmaster Mateo Aquino Febrillet to publish the payroll, to ensure what the student group calls a "secret payroll."

"There’s a great waste of resources in the UASD," FELABEL spokesman Diogenes Gutierrez (Yuyo) said in a statement, citing the June 2012 payroll but which he affirms is a partial, and doesn’t specify how much Aquino, deans and other senior university officers earn. “It also doesn’t show what the liaisons, advisers or the so-called governors" earn.

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